123Wonen offers
Hip living in Zaandam. That can well in this neighborhood. Rozengracht is located in the neighborhood Russian neighborhood. The neighborhood has relatively many young residents aged between 25 and 44 years. Furthermore, it is a relatively quiet neighborhood considering the population density.
The property is easily accessible with many amenities nearby. Located within cycling distance of the center of Zaandam, walking distance from a supermarket and walking distance from a train station. In addition, the nearest motorway is only 3 minutes away.
First floor: Upon entering you enter the living area of this apartment. The living area consists of an open kitchen and sitting area. Also on this floor is the bathroom. The bathroom has a toilet, double sink and shower. Furthermore, there is a spiral staircase here that leads to the second floor.
Second floor: On the second floor you will find the bedroom and a loft. The balustrade creates a nice effect as you have a view of the sitting area, this is also equipped with a workspace. The bedroom is large enough for a double bed.
Expatrentals Holland Zaandam
Korte Vondelstraat 3
1813 AC Alkmaar
T 075-2040700
E zaandam@123wonen.nl
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